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Monitor your Servers and Processes with Supervisor tool

supervisor main image

What is Supervisor

  • It is a Process Control System which allows you to monitor and control a number of processes.

What it can do

  • It can be configured to automatically restart processes on a crash.
    (operating system signals Supervisor immediately when a process terminates)
  • It can start processes on its own invocation.
  • Processes can be grouped into “process groups” and a set of logically related processes can be stopped and started as a unit.
  • It allows to assign priorities to processes and allows the user to start/restart all processes via the supervisorctl client which starts them in the preassigned priority order.
  • It also provides password protected web user-interface through which all the processes managed by the supervisor can be stopped/started/restarted when needed.
    (Example: you have node server or node web-socket running on the server and it got stopped due to some reason then client having access to web user-interface can start/restart the failed processes without disturbing the developer at midnight)

Platform Requirements

  • It will likely work fine on most UNIX systems.
  • It will not run at all under any version of Windows. the window has its own way for controlling a process like from services a process can be configured to restart automatically after it failed for around 3 times.
  • The supervisor is known to work with Python 2.4 or later but will not work under any version of Python 3.


  • sudo apt-get install supervisor
  • After installation, the path for supervisor configuration file will be either “/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf” or “/etc/supervisord.conf” (Normally the default file is indeed /etc/supervisor.conf, but the Debian distribution patches this to look for /etc/supervisor/supervisor.conf first)
  • Refer below link for manual configuration of the file path:

Supervisor Components

  1. supervisord

    • It is responsible for starting child programs at its own invocation, responding to commands from clients, restarting crashed or exited sub-processes.
    • The server process uses a configuration file.
    • This is typically located in /etc/supervisord.conf.
    • This configuration file is a “Windows-INI” style config file and it’s important to keep this file secure via proper file system permissions because it may contain unencrypted usernames and passwords.
  2. supervisorctl

    • It’s a command-line client which provides a shell-like interface.
    • From this, a user can connect to different supervisord processes, get status on the sub-processes controlled by, stop and start sub-processes of, and get lists of running processes of a supervisord.
  3. Web Server

    • Its a web user interface with functionality comparable to supervisorctl may be accessed via a browser if you start supervisord against an internet socket.
  4. XML-RPC Interface

    • The same HTTP server which serves the web UI serves up an XML-RPC interface that can be used to interrogate and control supervisor and the programs it runs.

Set up Programs 

  • Add a program in supervisord.conf file in below format to run as process and to be controlled by supervisor.
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    command=node server.js ;command to be executed, 'node server.js ' is example for running a nodejs server.
    numprocs=1 ;number of processes copies to start (default 1).
    directory=<path to command>
    autostart=true ;start at supervisord start (default: true)
    autorestart=true ;whether/when to restart (default: unexpected)
    user=root ;setuid to this UNIX account to run the program.
    stopsignal=KILL ;signal used to kill process (default TERM).
    startretries=10 ;max # of serial start failures (default 3).
    [program:program_one] command=node server.js ;command to be executed, 'node server.js ' is example for running a nodejs server. numprocs=1 ;number of processes copies to start (default 1). directory=<path to command> stdout_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/program_one.log autostart=true ;start at supervisord start (default: true) autorestart=true ;whether/when to restart (default: unexpected) user=root ;setuid to this UNIX account to run the program. stopsignal=KILL ;signal used to kill process (default TERM). startretries=10 ;max # of serial start failures (default 3).
    command=node server.js  ;command to be executed, 'node server.js ' is example for running a nodejs server.
    numprocs=1              ;number of processes copies to start (default 1).
    directory=<path to command>
    autostart=true        ;start at supervisord start (default: true)
    autorestart=true    ;whether/when to restart (default: unexpected)
    user=root                  ;setuid to this UNIX account to run the program.
    stopsignal=KILL    ;signal used to kill process (default TERM).
    startretries=10       ;max # of serial start failures (default 3).
  • Below command is to start the program.

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    supervisorctl start program_one
    supervisorctl start program_one
    supervisorctl start program_one

Set up Group

  • Add a Group in supervisord.conf file in below format to run processes as a group and to be controlled as a group by supervisor
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    programs=program_one, program_two ; Add program names to run as a group
    priority=999 ; setup priority of the group to run
    [group:group1] programs=program_one, program_two ; Add program names to run as a group priority=999 ; setup priority of the group to run
    programs=program_one, program_two ; Add program names to run as a group
    priority=999 ; setup priority of the group to run
  • Below command is to start the programs in a group.
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    supervisorctl start <groupname>:*
    supervisorctl start group1:*
    supervisorctl start <groupname>:* supervisorctl start group1:*
    supervisorctl start <groupname>:*
    supervisorctl start group1:*

Set up web user-interface

  • Add below configuration at the end of supervisord.conf file or edit “[inet_http_server’] section if it already present there.
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    port= ;Give any port number which is not already in use.
    username=<username> ;Give username using which you access web user-interface.
    password=<password> ;Give password using which you access web user-interface.
    [inet_http_server] port= ;Give any port number which is not already in use. username=<username> ;Give username using which you access web user-interface. password=<password> ;Give password using which you access web user-interface.
    port=            ;Give any port number which is not already in use.
    username=<username> ;Give username using which you access web user-interface.
    password=<password>  ;Give password using which you  access web user-interface.
  • Restart supervisor using below command from command line/terminal.
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    service supervisor restart
    service supervisor restart
    service supervisor restart
  • Access http://localhost:9001/ in a browser to view and control process status through the web interface and control it.

Command list (Use “sudo” before each command to run as root)

  • To start, restart and stop supervisor:
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    sudo service supervisor start
    sudo service supervisor restart
    sudo service supervisor stop
    sudo service supervisor start sudo service supervisor restart sudo service supervisor stop
    sudo service supervisor start
    sudo service supervisor restart
    sudo service supervisor stop
  • To list all programs of supervisor with status:
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  • To start, restart and stop all programs of supervisor:
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    supervisorctl start all
    supervisorctl restart all
    supervisorctl stop all
    supervisorctl start all supervisorctl restart all supervisorctl stop all
    supervisorctl start all
    supervisorctl restart all
    supervisorctl stop all
  • To start, restart and stop specific programs of supervisor:
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    supervisorctl start program_one
    supervisorctl restart program_one
    supervisorctl stop program_one
    supervisorctl start program_one supervisorctl restart program_one supervisorctl stop program_one
    supervisorctl start program_one
    supervisorctl restart program_one
    supervisorctl stop program_one
  • To start, restart and stop all programs defined in a group:
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    supervisorctl start <groupname>:*
    supervisorctl restart <groupname>:*
    supervisorctl sttop <groupname>:*
    supervisorctl start <groupname>:* supervisorctl restart <groupname>:* supervisorctl sttop <groupname>:*
    supervisorctl start <groupname>:*
    supervisorctl restart <groupname>:*
    supervisorctl sttop <groupname>:*

Hope this helps you to let your programs get controlled and monitored automatically.

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